Vietnam Sports Player

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About Us

Company Background & Profile

Vietnam Sports Player Pty Ltd (VSP) is our  Australian registered parent company established in 2005 (ASIC Company No.117615380), that is the holding company of our subsidiary Vietnamese Company registered as Sportstel Company Limited (Company & Tax Registration No.0313438627).


Australian Registered Company Name:
Australian Company No: 117615380
Registration Date: 19/12/2005


Vietnam  Registered Company Name:
Vietnam Company License No: 0313438627
Registration Date: 26/11/2015

Therefore, the Australian Company entity “VSP” holds the 100% ownership and the rights that control the Vietnam Company entity.

VSP Company Board & Executive Management Team

Mr. Michael Efron VSP & Sporstel (CEO, founding chairman and director):

In terms of Michael’s background he is proudly the VSP & Sportstel Founding Chairman & CEO. He graduated from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) with a Bachelor of Business (Public Administration) in 1987 the RMIT centenary year. As an RMIT alumnus I have continued my collaboration with RMIT in Melbourne developed and actioned the Michael Efron business scholarship for RMIT Regional Melbourne students, and in Vietnam by providing my time with RMIT Students in mentoring business programs on the RMIT Vietnam campus.

In terms of the RMIT Capitol Theatre I donated money in terms of their restoration which was originally built in 1924 and reopened in 2019.

Michael also undertakes charity work and donating money to the Vietnam Veteran Affairs Department for retired and disabled war veterans, and in June 2011, was awarded an honorary army medal by Major General Nguyen The Sky (Chairman-Vietnam Veteran Affairs Department).

Michael came to Vietnam in 2005 to assess the sports betting landscape and opportunities, and subsequently pursued our vision to obtain an initial sports betting business license in Vietnam, and concurrently pursue our vision for Vietnam’s first international horse racetrack.

He has worked within the Australian horse racing and sports betting industry with leading Australian bookmakers and with our executive management teams have lobbied and worked with the Vietnam Ministries to update the 2017 sports and horse racing betting laws to an international standard. As a result, this led to his involvement in both the June & December 2020 Hanoi ‘sports betting symposiums’.

Australian Company Board & Executive Management Team:

Mr. Michael Efron (Chairman & CEO).
Mr. Lee Freedman (Australian Racing Hall of Fame Inductee, with international group one winner and includes five Melbourne Cups).
Mr. James Riley (former Australian and international group one trainer).
Mr. John Gorrie (former bookmaker).
Mr. Lucas Georgiadis (advisor for capital markets).
Mr. Con Sarrou (management accountant).
Mr. Timothy Latham (cloud technology specialist).
Ms. Kelly Sneddon (corporate advisor for ASX-listed companies).
Ms. Tran Ngoc Diem (Vietnamese legal counsel).
Mr. Ashley Adsett (company accountant).

Talk to us

Contact us today to explore opportunities, inquire about our services, or discuss partnerships.

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